UK Attracts One Asylum Claim Every Six Minutes

According to astonishing new figures, an immigrant claims asylum in Britain at the rate of once every six minutes, dealing yet another blow to the Government’s ongoing efforts to reduce the flow of refugees pouring into the country.

Immigration officers estimate that 8,500 applications were filed in October, the largest ever for a single month. Nearly a third of the claimants were Iraqis or Kurds, suggesting that fears of war have led to a rush to reach the country before possible military action is taken against Iraq.


Paris Mayor Threatens Action Against New Supermarket Managers

The mayor of a Paris suburb has threatened to use “all the police powers at [his] disposal” against the new Muslim managers of a local supermarket if they don’t restore a number of products to the shelves, including alcohol and pork.

Mohamed and Abdel Djaiziri removed products that are banned by Islam after they took over the Evry branch of the Franprix supermarket chain in October. Mayor Manuel Valls said their action encouraged “sectarianism.” They said their decision to ban alcohol was in order to avoid conflict with young Muslim radicals in the area, and the ban on pork was in order to qualify for a “halal” meat certificate from the Muslim authorities.

Spokesmen of the Franprix chain say they have reminded the brothers that it is in their contract to sell the whole range of Franprix products.


Suspected Terrorists In Santa Outfits Arrested in the Philippines

Eight Bangladeshis wearing Santa Claus costumes were arrested in Manila Thursday when three of them were found to be on the FBI’s list of suspected terrorists. The other five were also arrested by immigration agents, although their names were not included in the list, and they will be deported to their port of origin. The group arrived as passengers aboard a Thai Airways flight from Bangkok and stayed overnight before checking in for their connecting flight to Vancouver.

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